Diva Moon, July 22, 2013

Diva Moon, July 22, 2013

☽DIVA MOON ☽July 22, 2013
Full moon falls tonight at 18:22 UTC.
Moon in Perigee (also known as SuperMoon) is when the moon’s closest point to Earth during its July orbit.

The Earth’s tides are greatest when the Moon is in Perigee, but not by much. Many give the supermoon a bad rap by attaching it to natural disasters, however there is no proven relationship between the supermoon and any natural disasters such as earthquakes or tsunami.

We have about 2 to 3 supermoons every year … btw I gave it the name Diva Moon… just because I like it more than SuperMoon 😀

Art by Skylark Art http://www.skylarkart.com

One thought on “Diva Moon, July 22, 2013

  1. These are exquisite! I would like to have 2 custom natal charts created as a gift for a friends twin babies. What would that cost and how long a process would that be? Thanks you, Jennifer

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